"Lighting can provide function in several ways. There’s the obvious functions of creating useful light but there are also more subtle functions that address emotional needs."

IT's coming to life!

Sanding, Grinding, Buffing, Polishing

Beginning construction

IT's coming to life!

Preparing the base

Using the Bending Break!

Waterjetting for hours!
Design Objective
To design a lamp that has physical beauty when turned off, and celebrates the beauty of light when it is turned on. The lamp must be designed for a specific location with a specific function. The lamp is to be constructed out of minimal materials, be over 6 feet tall, and is to be constructed within a specific timeframe.

Moodboard + Light Experimentation
My chosen environment for this lamp would be a fine-dining middle-eastern restaurant; specifically the Al Mahara at the Burj Al Arab
The goal for my lamp was to make sure that I created a dim, comforting ambience for the restaurant that It would be designed for.
Initital Concepts

Final Concept

Attachment Plans

Prototyping & Almost failing

1/4th scale: Doesn't look great but it works!

Full Scale Frankenstein model: This isn't going to work...

Test with actual metal: Alright. This might Work.
The Ideal Plan.

1. Waterjet and angle-grind metal triangles of various sizes.
2. Drill Holes at base of the triangles

3. Pull metal triangles throught the English Wheel (metal roller) at various angles and heights to create spirals
4. Sand, Buff, and Polish

5. Bend base of spiral at appropriate angles for fixture